5 Steps to Managing Your Social Media Management Leads

Of course, we know that we can't sleep on leads! Because leads are so critical to your business, we want to ensure that we put a process in place to manage them correctly.

Try this 5 step process on your next lead:

  1. Create a service guide download, FloDesk is great for this where you can collect their email in exchange for their packages.

  2. Send an email with a service guide PDF or breakdown of your services + a button to book a consultant call (Calendly).

  3. Send an email a few days later, introducing yourself + following up, and reminding them to book a call.

  4. Send an email a few days later, with your portfolio and some raving reviews. CTA = book a call!

  5. Send an email a few days later, "Keep me in mind when you're ready to outsource _ take social off your plate."

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