A Guide to Client Onboarding

You've finally found your dream client, but what happens next? Welcoming a new client will be one of the first impressions your social media agency has to prove itself. Onboarding can be stressful, overwhelming, and information overload if done incorrectly; so, let's go through the steps of making it as stress-free and smooth for our clients as possible!

Step 1: Consultation

Set up a Zoom consultation to see if it's the right fit. Send the client a list of times to choose from and be sure to have a sense of urgency in setting up the meeting and sending the invite so they know you're serious! We recommend a 30-minute consultation to get to know each other, see what their goals are, and really sell how your services could benefit their brand. Consider preparing a presentation with some visual aids to help ease your nerves a bit, too!

Step 2: Proposal

Once you know that it will be the right fit, don't waste any time sending over the next steps. Send proposal, invoice, and contract no later than 24 hours using Dubsado.

Step 3: Questionnaire

After that is complete, send a questionnaire & Calendly link to book the project kickoff call!

Step 4: Kick-Off Call

Have the first kick-off call to set expectations with them, share your process, and when they will get updates from you. The kickoff call will really set the tone for the client experience! Go into detail about how exactly this partnership is going to work and what they can look out for from you.

Step 5: Content

Prep first batch of content/deliverables! Once you have it completed, send it to them in a Loom video for review.

Once you complete all five steps, enjoy your new client and get to work transforming their brand!

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