8 Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs and Marketers

Where are all of our bookworms at? πŸ“–

There are endless books for entrepreneurs and marketers out there! Being a business owner or marketer means continuously growing, learning, adapting, and reading all about how to better yourself not only for your own benefit, but for the benefit of your company, team, and audience, too. What a better way to learn than to hear the perspectives and ideas of other marketers and entrepreneurs!

We narrowed down our favorites and created a complete list to add to your must-read collection!

1.) Company of One by Paul Jarvis

We all want the perfect work-life balance and this book puts such an interesting spin on the topic. Jarvis' message is about building your personal life around your work life, instead of the other way around.

2.) Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

If you are struggling to connect with your audience or just want to continue to improve the relationship, definitely give this book a read! It teaches what customers respond to the most and how to utilize that in your branding and marketing.

3.) Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Instead of the typical formula of business being: Sales - Expenses = Profit, Michalowicz introduces a new formula to success: Sales - Profit = Expenses. He discusses how to improve your business's profitability with just this simple process - a must-read for anyone who is looking to up their profit margins!

4.) Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book is all about teaching you how to recognize the habits that make huge impacts on your life. It also dives into how to train yourself into good habits and how to throw out the bad ones!

5.) The Four by Scott Galloway

This book is just too interesting! It gives a peak into the success of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. He explains that in order to compete with these moguls, you first need to understand the inner-workings of them!

6.) Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

What makes things popular? The question we all have, that Berger answers with this book! If you're ready to find out all the hidden secrets of why things go viral, you have to give this book a try.

7.) You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Financial help meets sass - this book is full of easy-to-grasp concepts with hilarious story spins! This book is great in helping you find what's holding you back from meeting your financial goals and how to capitalize on your skills and turn them into $$!

8.) Purple Cow by Seth Godin

In this book, Seth kicks the traditional ideas about marketing aside and relates them to the "brown cows" we see everywhere and are no longer surprising and interesting to us as consumers. Instead, his message is about how marketing should be remarkable and something to talk about - like you're seeing a purple cow! He puts a whole new perspective on marketing your product that makes this a must-read if you're ready to spice up your marketing and really give your audience the product they have never seen before.

Have some book suggestions? We'd love to hear about them in our Facebook Group!


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